Dallas Employment Attorney

Is Texas an At-Will Employment State? Dallas employment lawyer discusses

Yes, Texas is an at-will state. At-will employment suggests that an employer and employee have equally bargained for the exchange of labor (from the employee) and payment of wages (from the employer) and freely engage in that transaction without the existence of an employment contract. This means that an employer may fire an employee for […]

Is Texas an At-Will Employment State? Dallas employment lawyer discusses Read More Ā»

Divorce attorney explains community property rules in Texas

Texas is one of nine states in the nation that recognizes marital property as community property. Property owned in Texas by a married couple is either community property or separate property. Community property includes property owned jointly by both spouses. Separate property includes propertyĀ owned by only one spouse. The law presumes all marital property is

Divorce attorney explains community property rules in Texas Read More Ā»

New York state Court of Appeals says Starbucks supervisors can share in tip pool

I don’t want to get in the habit of commenting on other states’ employment law positions but this case carries special weight. It may inadvertently affect the whole country because the case is before the federal Second Circuit Court of Appeals. This case deals with tip pools among tipped employees and non-regularly tipped employees. It

New York state Court of Appeals says Starbucks supervisors can share in tip pool Read More Ā»

Texas employment attorney explains what is FMLA

FMLA is the Family and Medical Leave Act, a federal law that provides certain employees leave protections. FMLA provides twelve weeks of leave in a twelve month period. The twelve month period can be a fixed twelve month period, such as the calendar year, or a rolling twelve month period so the beginning of an

Texas employment attorney explains what is FMLA

Fort Worth Employment Attorney explains how employment discrimination occurs

Discrimination in the workplace is prohibited when that discrimination is on the basis of oneā€™s sex/gender, race, national origin, religion, age (if over forty), disability, pregnancy, genetic information and military service. Employment law prohibits itĀ against both employees and job applicants. Employment discrimination on one of these classifications generally falls into two forms of conduct. This

Fort Worth Employment Attorney explains how employment discrimination occurs Read More Ā»

401k Participants Want Employer Help Saving for Retirement. No Kidding?

An article published early this year discussed a survey by State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) proudly boasted that 74% of participants in 401k plans want to better understand how their savings will pay off in retirement. This should come as no surprise. Most workers have little or no formal or informal education in investing. Thanks

401k Participants Want Employer Help Saving for Retirement. No Kidding? Read More Ā»

Fair Labor Standards Act & Texas Payday Law and Tipped Employees

Tipping is a form of employee compensation in which employees receive wages from the employer and customers, who have no legal relationship with their the employer or the tipped employee. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Texas Payday Law both recognize tips as wages to the tipped employee. They are subject to minimum wage

Fair Labor Standards Act & Texas Payday Law and Tipped Employees Read More Ā»

New federal bills seeks to redefine what it means to be a full time employee

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) employers with fifty or more full time employees must provide health insurance to 95% of full time employees or pay a penalty. This “play or pay” provision has a lot of employers in a tizzy. Among the reasons is the ACA defines a full time employee at thirty hours per

New federal bills seeks to redefine what it means to be a full time employee Read More Ā»

Can my employer use what I say on facebook, twitter, linkedin, or other social media websites against me?

The laws around social media, especially in the employment context, are still evolving to meet the technological and social implications of social media in the workplace. Before delving into particulars, let me say that I think everybody needs to carefully consider what they post on social media websites because the information you put out there

Can my employer use what I say on facebook, twitter, linkedin, or other social media websites against me? Read More Ā»

What is sexual harassment in employment?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is basically three forms of activity: Requests for sexual favors in exchange for receiving positive effects to your job or preventing negative effects to your job; Unwelcome sexual advances; and Verbal and/or physical bullying based upon oneā€™s sex or gender. Sexual harassment perpetrator can beĀ a direct supervisor/manager, some other person

What is sexual harassment in employment?

How does an ESOP work? How does it work with a 401k plan?

An ESOP is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. It is an ERISA-governed employee benefit plan that allows the employee to purchase shares of the employerā€™s stock on a tax deferred-basis. (You donā€™t pay taxes today but you will pay taxes when you take your money out of the plan.) ESOPs were common before the rise

How does an ESOP work? How does it work with a 401k plan? Read More Ā»

Cosmopolitan magazine gets it right — how to ask for a raise–or what to do when the answer is no

Ok, let me start this off by saying I’m not normally a Cosmopolitan reader. My wife is a subscriber and there’s usually at least one issue hanging around the house. The other day I saw the most recent issue tossed on the coffee table. Among the articles advertised on the cover was the title of

Cosmopolitan magazine gets it right — how to ask for a raise–or what to do when the answer is no Read More Ā»

How secure are my pension payments?

A common concern posed by pensionĀ participants is how secure those payments will be in the future. Given the economic turmoil in the past few years, it is certainly a worthwhile question. The good news is that the vast majority of retirement benefits are more secure than you might think. As a Dallas employment attorney experienced

How secure are my pension payments?

401k Plan Fees ā€“ What Are They and Do They Matter?

Employers operate 401k plans at a cost. Like other labor expenses (hiring process, salary, vacation pay, etc.) employers have to pay for compliance with labor and employment laws. Benefit plans are somewhat unique. Under ERISA employers can shift the cost of plan administration from the plan sponsor to plan beneficiaries. 401k plan fees often are

401k Plan Fees ā€“ What Are They and Do They Matter? Read More Ā»

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